Come one come all down to dock B at 2 pm on Saturday 8/13. We will be loading boats with mermaids and pirates and heading down to parade at Navy Pier, Queens Landing and the playpen. We will be back to port by 6 pm ish.
Last year was a land party...this year we head to sea! BYOB, bring a bag of ice, a towel and a munchie to share. Boat assignments will be given at B dock at 2 pm based on who shows up. We are hoping for at least 3 boat loads (approx 4-6 per boat).
You must be dressed as a pirate or a mermaid in order to get on a boat.
Bring a guest if you like (but see #1)
PLEASE RSVP so that we can pre-organize the number of boats we need. Text Lynda at 562.652.7374
Avast Mateys!